Behind The Scenes

From the Orchards of Sanger to the Studios of Monterey: The Musical Renaissance of Mike Condry

Nestled in California’s Central Valley, Mike Condry’s musical roots were sown among the lush vineyards and orchards of his hometown, Sanger. His early classical training on the piano evolved into a love for the spirited rhythms of pop and rock, which lay dormant only to be reawakened later with new vigor and passion.

The revival of Mike’s music career was sparked by a fortuitous encounter in Fresno, where a player piano and a persuasive salesman reignited his musical flame. Under the mentorship of Johleen Braham and Johnny Lightfoot, Mike found a renewed voice in music, one that echoed his past and carried his soul’s melodies.

Monterey Bay’s allure pulled Mike into its thriving music scene, culminating in his key role with the Mulligans, where his versatility on the keyboard and vocals shone. The band’s performances, beloved by the community at the Monterey Peninsula Country Club, solidified Mike’s musical resurgence.

In this vibrant setting, Mike’s artistry blossomed, fueled by collaborations with notable musicians like producer, arranger, and musical director Michael Lent. His original songwriting began, inspired by David Conley, and “All I See Is You” was born—a reflection on love and the beauty of Pebble Beach.






Mike’s discography, including the profound album “Music,” is a testament to his evolving artistry and narrative prowess, all meticulously produced by Michael Lent. Each song is a thread in the vibrant tapestry of Mike’s life, resonating with experiences that unite listeners.







Now, Mike stands on the cusp of a new musical era. With a collection that reverberates with his soul’s journey and a band that epitomizes musical distinction, he is poised to share his evolving story. The recording lineup—featuring the talents of Michael Lent, Joey Melotti, Larry Antonino, and Joey Finger—brings studio creations to life, while the live performance ensemble, including Michael Lent, Kyle Kovalik, Zach Westfall, Mike Shannon, Bill Spencer, Gary Meek, John Nava, and vocalists Richard Bryant and Laurie Hofer, ensures each show is an experience of unforgettable musicianship.

From Sanger’s simple orchards to Monterey’s sophisticated studios, Mike Condry’s music beckons us to traverse the landscapes of the heart. With a new album on the horizon, recorded in Las Vegas and anticipated later this year, the journey of Mike Condry continues to unfold, inviting us to partake in the melody of shared humanity.


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